The reality of this is so exciting Derek and I can barely wait for the two weeks to pass. On the other end I am a little stressed because I will not be at work for twelve weeks. I cannot imagine life going on at work without me for that long! I am sure once Kearsta arrives I will not be worrying about work and wishing that time will slow down.
I have been in hyper nesting mode for months now . . .
We are going to be doing A LOT of reading
No need to leave the house bald
A beautiful set of headband and butterfly wings made by Derek's cousin's wife, Mandy.
I can't wait to get these on Kearsta!
It looks so comfy and snuggly
All stocked up on diapers and wipes
Diapers galore
We will be set for a couple of weeks
Even though she looks interested she just doesn't understand how her life will be changing
Her feet will always look fashionable!
Lots and lots of clothes ranging from newborn to 18 months
The car seat is installed and checked by a professional
The pack and play will go up this weekend after I spend some time getting a pedicure and manicure with birth mom. Needless to say, we are ready for our bundle of joy to join our family any day!
On a sadder note, the doctor who delivered me thirty years ago and sixteen years after laid my options to live a pain free life on the table passed away on Sunday. I credit Dr. McGuire with so much of who I have become because of my experiences with him. He took a lot of criticism after completing a hysterectomy on a sixteen year old child. It was completely my decision as he only supported it and helped me get my life back. His death brings sadness to my heart although I know that I now have an additional extended family in our birth family that we would not have without him. He will be missed, but everyday I look into Kearsta eyes I will thank him for helping me be her mommy.