Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Seriously . . .

I am so sick to my stomach right now I figured I should blog about it! Before Kearsta was born her birth grandmother told me that her birth mom was intolerant of milk and soy formulas as a baby. This is the type of stuff that I listen to and put in the forefront of my mind.
When Kearsta was born I asked the nursery nurse about the signs of a milk allergy and she said that we would more than likely not know until after we left the hospital. Once we arrived home we moved her to powder formula because the stuff they use in the hospital is $9 for 12 ounces. I notice a change immediately. She seemed to do much better on the ready-made formula. I had a conversation with the nurse that visited our house to monitor the jaundice about the difference between the ready-made and powdered formula. She said that there is no proof that it is difference between the two, but looking at them it is clear that there is some difference. I took off to Babies R Us that evening and bought ready-made formula. No, I didn't pay $9 for 12 ounces, I ended up buying Enfamil Infant ready-made to save some money. It was clear from the start that it was not a good fit for her.
When Kearsta was 12 days old I called her doctor looking for approval to change her formula. That was not the response that I received. Instead both the nurse and the doctor told me that it was "normal" baby stuff. Spitting up and over-exertion when pooping was "normal." I figured since she was the doctor it was so.
Soon after that we found some generous formula donors from our adoptive friends that have babies within weeks of Kearsta and Parker Adventist Hospital's Adoption Program. We were able to supply the ready-made Newborn formula to Kearsta for about two weeks. She seemed to do better on it although still excessive spitting up, vomiting and over-exertion with pooping when she did poop.
At the two week doctor's visit I brought up my concerns again. Again I was told that it was all normal. She was gaining weight and so everything else that was happening was okay. Why was I concerned?!
After we ran out of the our donation formula we moved back to the powder with the same results as before. I called the doctor again without an approval or assistance with changing the formula. At the one month doctor's appointment it escalated to an ultrasound on Kearsta's abdomen to check for blockages in her digestive tract. Everything was normal.
At five weeks old I finally got fed up. I knew something was not right. I marched off to Walmart and bought soy based formula. Kearsta was in heaven. No more spitting up and absolutely no vomiting, but it did make her extremely constipated. Out went that formula and the improvement that we had made :-(
The next step was the sensitive formula. Still milk-based, but the proteins are easier to digest. When she went on this the spitting up was less and she was able to poop, but we quickly went on a downhill slide on Monday.
Kearsta decided that she was sick of feeling crappy so she proceeded to scream for two and half hours. We did everything that we could until she finally wore herself out and went to sleep. She then awoke on our way home from her grandparent's house and was awake until 1:00 AM crying. THIS WAS NOT OUR BABY! For the first five weeks of her life she was laid back, slept a lot and deep, had nothing to complain about and other than three to four hour pooping sessions she was good.
When we woke up this morning she was refusing to eat. Between 5 AM and 3 PM she ate one ounce of formula. When she was awake she was crying, when she was sleeping she was wimpering and sometimes she would even break out into a hysterical cry while still fast asleep.
After talking to a bestie at coffee this morning I had the confidence to call and complain again, but this time it would be to a different doctor. We marched into his office at 4 PM and within three words he said that I was not going to be happy with him. I continued telling him the signs and symptoms and he kept nodding his head. When I told him the success we had on the soy aside from the constipation he was comfortable with a diagnosis. He asked me about the birth parents allergy history. He said that babies with one parent with allergies have a 50% chance of having a milk allergy. Babies that have two parents with allergies have a 75% chance of having a milk allergy. By 4:15 PM he told me that there was no question that she had a milk allergy. I almost threw up on the floor right there. What he was telling me was that for the past five weeks we had been poisoning our baby with something that she could not tolerate. I am so grateful for my mommy instinct of a continuous test of formulas because he was able to tell me what to go purchase (expensive formula) immediately.
I walked out of the office feeling like I wasn't insane. We went to Target immediately and purchased the liquid gold that will add up to about $6.00 per bottle. I tell ya, I would pay $100 per bottle just to have my sweet baby back!
Kearsta had her first bottle at 6 PM and now she is just as content as can be. I am so thankful for Dr. Thomas and the formula Gods for giving us our life back!
So, I now have a formula graveyard. I currently have seven different types of formula in all shapes and sizes . . . hopefully we (or someone) will get to use the liquid silver someday!
Okay, I feel better now!


  1. Never, never give up on your instincts. You can never go wrong with that. If it doesn't feel right, it most likely is not right. Great job, mommy.

  2. Great job Mommy and Daddy! That poor baby can't tell you what doesn't agree with her.... formula is SO expensive though. We used one with William that was about $30-$40 a dry can. Neosure for preemies for a year. Does the one you use have coupons? I'd be happy to watch.
