Friday, March 30, 2012

Baby Moon?

Derek and I love to travel.  I had never had a "real" vacation until I met him.  Growing up we always traveled to see family and oftentimes that is not a vacation!  Some of the happiest memories in Derek and I's relationship are from our trips together. 

Working for the school system gives us an advantage because we are guaranteed at least three vacations a year, Fall Break, Spring Break and Summer.  We make sure that we use each one wisely to get out of town and reset our minds with some relaxation.  We had talked for many months about taking another cruise to celebrate my 30th birthday.  We looked into some cruises and were discussing where we wanted to go.  When we were discussing this we were still in the approval phase of our adoption journey.  Once we entered the waiting period of this voyage I found myself with a lot of anxiety around being out of town when we received the call.  I quickly put a halt on all plans for a vacation during Spring Break and possibly over the summer. I said ABSOLUTELY NO to a cruise.  Derek was disappointed because he had his heart set on traveling more before our voyage as parents began.  There were a couple of weeks that we spent being unhappy at each other because of my anxiety level around traveling.

About ten days before I made the decision that we did not know when the match was going to happen so we better live it up!  We planned a trip to New York City for Spring Break.  This is a place that I have never been even though I have been to the East Coast numerous times to visit my brothers.  I also know that this is not a place that I would be seeing in the next ten to fifteen years if we didn't go now.  Derek has seen the Big Apple once before so a lot of it is going to be repeat for him.

So, I am confronting my anxiety and getting on a plane to go across the country for what could very possibly be our Babymoon!

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